The St Christopher Children's Home is situated in Cardin Avenue in the town of Basseterre, the capital of St Christopher (St Kitts). The Home was constructed and established by the St Christopher Children's Home and Service League Association Limited, an organization which had its beginnings in September 1935. The initiative for action relating to construction of the Home came from the very energetic and big hearted West Indian named Mrs Millie Neverson who was temporarily resident in St Kitts. It was in 1937 that Mrs Neverson introduced to the group then existing as the Service League the idea of a Million Penny Scheme for the purpose of providing a building for neglected children.
The scheme was enthusiastically pursued and it grew steadily over the years. Eventually with assistance from Government, who obtained a Colonial Development and Welfare Grant, the Home was constructed. It was officially opened on the 26th January 1950 with a 'family' of six - a Matron, an Assistant and four children. In 2012 the Home applied for and was granted NGO status – Non Governmental Organisation.